Q: Are you employed by Costco?
A. No. We are independent doctors of Optometry. Our office operates separately from Costco. We do not receive any income for the sale of glasses or contact lenses from the Costco Optical department.
Q: Will I receive a copy of my glasses or contact lens prescription after my examination?
A: Absolutely! Once your prescription has been finalized, you will receive a copy of your prescription(s) for glasses and/or contact lenses
Q: How often should I have an eye exam?
A: We recommend that all of our patients have their eyes examined yearly. Even if you aren’t noticing changes in your vision, many sight-threatening ocular conditions can be detected early by your optometrist at your routine exam.
Q. How can your fees be so much lower than other eye doctors? Will I receive a quality exam?
A. We provide a thorough exam with the most advanced diagnostic instruments to evaluate your vision needs and uncover any other ocular conditions that may go undetected, if not regularly monitored. Our doctors have received extensive training at optometry school just like any other optometrist. We can offer lower fees due to our convenient location inside of Costco.
Q: Do you take vision plans or health insurance?
A: Currently we do not take any vision plans at this location but we are working on it! In the meantime, most plans allow patients to submit their receipt for reimbursement.
Please check your vision plan or health insurance provider for more information.
Q: Why does it cost more to do an examination for contact lenses?
A: A contact lens examination involves additional testing to make sure that we are prescribing the best contact lenses to meet your lifestyle needs. We will evaluate your vision in the contact lenses, the fit of the contact lenses on your eyes and the effect that the contact lenses are having on your eyes. Occasionally we will need to bring you back for follow up visits. All follow up visits done in the 2 months after your exam are included in your contact lens examination fee.
Q: My contact lens prescription hasn’t changed in years. Why do I have to pay more for a contact lens exam?
A: We want to make sure that your contact lenses will continue to work well for you for years to come! It is necessary to evaluate the fit of your contact lenses on your cornea, as well the effect that the contact lens has on your eye yearly. Occasionally, even if you feel that the contact lenses seem fine, your eyes might tell us a different story.
Q: Can I order any brand of contact lens?
A: No. Your contact lens prescription is written for the specific brand that we have deemed best for your vision and eye health during your eye examination. Once your prescription is finalized, we cannot make changes unless we see you back in the office to re-fit you. There may be a fee for this service.
Q: Aren’t all contact lenses the same? Why can’t I just order the cheapest ones I find?
A: Not all contact lenses are created equal. Most newer designs allow more oxygen transmission through the contact lenses so that your corneas are able to breathe better while you are wearing lenses. This allows better comfort and increased wear time.